You can find us here
We have a worldwide presence and have main offices in Germany, UK and Sweden.
Besides that we also have our Co-offices and Partners in other shown locations.
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Hamburg, Germany
- London, UK
- Istanbul, Turkey
- Vilnius, Lithiuania
- Bukarest, Romania
- Vancouver, Canada
- Singapore, Republic of Singapore
- Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
- Lusaka, Zambia
- Accra, Ghana
- Bombay, India
- Miri, Indonesia
- Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Houston, USA
- Karachi, Pakistan
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Get in touch
Contact Us
Ben Lande
MetallTrade INT
Sweden / Germany / UK
Swe: +46 735500010 (wa)
Ger :+49 17635456575 (wa)
UK: +44 7471977070 (wa)
Turkey: +90 5441197200 (wa)
Ghana: +233 549029915 (wa)